Monday, March 02, 2009

Reese Marie

Reese Marie
March 2, 2009
1:45 p.m.
7 lbs., 12 oz.
19 inches

And for the record, I went back there. I was present at the moment of birth and it was both transcendent and educational. It took awhile for the adrenaline to wear off...for the come down after it all. But, now that I'm back at home and have a moment to reflect, it was really quite beautiful. And I miss her already.

5 cat calls:

penelope said...

Wow! You want back there! I'm impressed!

I've never actually witnessed a birth, other than my own two kids. It counts... sort of?

Glad everything went well, she's just adorable, and lucky to be born into such a loving fam.

Andria said...

oh wow! I was going to post a comment about your earlier statements saying being back there during labor and being back there during delivery were two very different things and you shouldn't hide from the first because fear of being caught there for the second, BUT now that you've witnessed it. . wow. I didn't even witness my own children's as they were both c-section, but I was there for my sister when she delivered my nephew. It's such a beautiful, emotional, scary, gross, magical, rush of emotions. If you need to talk it out, I'm here. I had trouble with it for a while, honestly, but also loved it. And I knew it going in, so I'm impressed, especially with your initial resistance that you went in unprepared to do so!

jenn said...

I am also impressed that you went back there. I'm not in any hurry to witness that myself, but it seems like something that's worth seeing if you can (assuming you really love the baby that is coming into the world; otherwise the whole thing is just revolting to me).

Congrats again to you and your family! I can't wait to watch little Reese grow up.

penelope said...

That's a really good point, about it having to be a baby that you love. It's a beautiful process, but pretty disgusting, let's be honest. The details of my own two experiences will never be mentioned in polite conversation--only in conversation that covers common ground.

Hey, my word verif is: reessi!

Niki said...

ditto on the being impressed. i'm not sure if i could do it because of the gross-out factor, but then again, i'm always up for new experiences and adventure.

i'm so happy for you guys that she is healthy and gorgeous!