Monday, June 20, 2011

Haters Say the Darndest Things

The Linguista: "Ashley, that shirt you're looks like you're trying to hide a pregnancy."

Evil Woman with Whom I was Forced to Work Last week: "You look nice today. You did well. I've never seen any of the women at your firm dress that well." And, on another occasion, "I told my boss that you are pretty competent."

Even More Evil Man I Encountered Last Week: "That's a sad look. You know that look on your face is why you don't have a ring on your finger."

I don't have a ring on my finger, but I clearly have a "kick me" sign on my back.

4 cat calls:

schu said...

um what the hell!



no seriously! what-the-hell!!!

almost anonymous said...

Answer to Evil Man: "And that comment is why you have a black eye on your face."

pen said...


jenn said...

This is enough to make me want to drop an f-bomb. As in f***. all. those. people.